Start Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz
Product Solution Manager responsible for the implementation of new product solutions on the Polish and European markets. She has many years of experience in numerous industrial sectors. A graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology. Her professional passion is the development of products and enterprises. Family, yoga and sailing trips are what allows her to break away from professional duties.

Solution for laboratories, blood banks and cell banks

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz 0
The possibility of freezing samples in laboratories and marking them with labels for low temperatures is of great importance for the conducted research.

How to effectively and permanently label bags with blood, plasma and bone marrow?

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz 0
etiCALLS is a proprietary system providing laboratories with comprehensive support in sample identification and process monitoring.

Labels resistant to solvents and chemicals

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz 0
How to permanently and legibly identify samples in laboratories Every day, laboratory staff expose samples and test materials to a wide range of factors, including aggressive solvents and chemicals. There is no room for mistakes in laboratories. It is necessary to ensure the reliability of tests, and their part is permanent marking of samples, as […]

etiCALLS – Simple Laboratory Labelling System [infographic]

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz 0
etiCALLS allows the application of labels in difficult laboratory conditions, e.g. labelling of vials, test-tubes stored in liquid nitrogen

The use of clean room labels

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz 0
A clean room is a clean space where the environment parameters are controlled, monitored and maintained in the right proportions; especially referring to pollution types such as dust, bacteria, and chemical fumes.

Protective labels for pharmaceutical packaging

Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz 0
In the serialisation process, pharmaceutical manufacturers are supported by Etisoft with several types of tamper-evident labels.
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