Start Case Studies Application of multitag labels on a cylindrical product
Application of multitag labels on a cylindrical product

Application of multitag labels on a cylindrical product


How to label imported products according to European regulations?


A customer from Etisoft’s Danish branch, the Vestergaard Group, which is one of Denmark’s largest toy wholesalers, faced this dilemma. In order to be able to sell your products on the European market, you must provide the amount of information on the product label required by law for the product you are selling. The product itself is small – it is a 32 mm glass container with a lid. Previously, the label was applied to the container by hand.


How do I apply the label on a cylindrical, small container


How do I apply the label on a cylindrical, small container?

We had to solve issues such as:

  • selection of a printer allowing to print variable information on multitag labels
  • improving the aesthetics of the applied label
  • shortening of application time and automation of the process.

TSC industrial printer

Variable information reprinting thanks to appropriately selected printer

After recognizing the customer’s needs and market offer, our colleagues from Etisoft Nordic focused on:

  • choosing the right printer. In this case, it was a model of an industrial TSC MH240T printer allowing to print variable information on multitag labels
  • selection of software for label printing. Their selection was Bartender software
  • selection of semi-automatic applicator PK-52 allowing for application of multitag labels on cylindrical products
  • advice on selecting a label winder.


semi-automatic applicator PK-52

Benefits of the proposed solution

  • printing of variable information
  • replacement of the manual application with a semi-automatic solution, which shortened the time of application of the label and ensured its correct application.

Additional benefits

  • a solution that can be successfully used for printing (with an industrial TSC printer) and applying – also for other products
  • the proposed solution gives the possibility of printing and applying 11 label variants with different sizes and number of pages.


To sum up, our colleagues from Etisoft Nordic carefully identified the problems the customer was facing and proposed the best solution to meet his needs.



If you are interested, please contact us.


David Woetmann He has been working in the label industry since 1985. He specializes in the solutions from idea to implementation for the retail industry. At Etisoft Nordic he is a sales manager. Lover of exquisite food and good wines. Travelling is an opportunity for him to gain new cultural experiences and explore the nature.
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