We are

We have given away around one thousand protective visors to health facilities and more

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
It’s worth helping! It’s been a few months since we began to manufacture self-adhesive masks and protective visors. Firstly, they were given to Etisoft’s employees and health facilities combating coronavirus. The personnel of laboratories, blood donation and haemotherapy centres, and firemen received them as well. We’re so glad that they have been so well received. […]

Agreement with the Silesian University of Technology

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Etisoft Smart Solutions entered into cooperation with the Faculty of Organization and Management What connects Etisoft Smart Solutions, our daughter company, and the Faculty of Organization and Management of the Silesian University of Technology? Graduates, previous cooperation and, as it turns out, a shared objective. Thanks to a recently signed partnership agreement, we will be […]

April filled with training sessions

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Automatic identification, print&apply, workshops with partners and finally… drawing! Training after training, trips and meetings with our business partners. There was a lot going on in our company last month. In Etisoft we invest in knowledge and employees. Even better knowledge of the offered products, an opportunity for business talks on matters that we live […]
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