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Protective mask – prevention not only during pandemic 

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
New product in the offer. Different from other disposable masks that you know because it’s a self-adhesive one! In coronavirus time a disposable protective mask has become a basic necessity. Many countries, including Poland, introduced the obligation to wear them in public places. Such type of protective equipment in pandemic time is also an expression […]

The protective visor – the latest product in the offer of Etisoft

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Polycarbonate cover for coronavirus pandemic, against contamination and aerosols The coronavirus epidemic forces entrepreneurs to make many new decisions, also these ones which are regarded as more restrictive antivirus prevention. Within the framework of offer extension our company launched the production of protective visors. They are now a part of our regular sales offer. Nowadays, […]

Self-adhesive, disposable protective masks for sportspeople

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Run, be active and breathe freely You love sport but any activity in coronavirus time with a traditional mask on the face discourages you from doing it? We’re not surprised at all! The latest Etisoft product, self-adhesive protective masks MASTICK, was designed to support daily antivirus prevention, and, at the same time, not to limit […]

Self-adhesive, disposable masks for offices, schools and bureaus

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
A great mask Offices order disposable self-adhesive masks for their own employees as well as for the employees who work in subordinate units: public transport drivers, greenery, libraries, education... In spite of many doubts, however, it seems that they will stay with us for a long time. Therefore, far-sighted institutions want to provide their employees, […]

Convenient, pocket-sized sets of self-adhesive masks – now with a euro hanger

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
A 5-pack set of masks: have it at your fingertips! We have just introduced your favorite and very willingly ordered product to our offer in the new version: 5 self-adhesive MASTICK masks per package. They are now also available in a package with a euro hanger, which makes it possible to expose the products in […]

Haircut and MASTICK in one package

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Self-adhesive, disposable masks for hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and rehabilitation units We miss appointments with a hairdresser and beautician! For many people the need for refreshing the image after lifting some of coronavirus restrictions is a very important goal. The beauty industry is getting ready for opening and waiting for more detailed guidelines. One thing […]

New feature for etiCALLS

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
System for extreme laboratory conditions   It is not easy to identify a place other than pharmaceutical and medical laboratories where samples of materials are stored in such extremely difficult conditions. From extreme temperatures, up to contact with chemicals, moisture, sterilization process. Good laboratory practice must guarantee the quality of the test and continuous monitoring […]

Etisoft’s visit in 3M headquarters – to get to know and understand each other better

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Apparently, a statistical Pole comes across the 3M’s products seventeen times a day, and these are not only the famous yellow post-it notes. In our case, this average was much higher - part of our team had a unique opportunity to move into the 3M’s world of imagination, technology and inventions.
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