Start Company news Self-adhesive, disposable masks for offices, schools and bureaus
Self-adhesive, disposable masks for offices, schools and bureaus

Self-adhesive, disposable masks for offices, schools and bureaus


A great mask

Offices order disposable self-adhesive masks for their own employees as well as for the employees who work in subordinate units: public transport drivers, greenery, libraries, education... In spite of many doubts, however, it seems that they will stay with us for a long time. Therefore, far-sighted institutions want to provide their employees, who work both in confined spaces and out of office, with them.

It also appears that if students return to schools, wearing a protective mask will become as mandatory as… doing homework. Disposable self-adhesive masks for offices, schools, bureaus and institutions – our solution is MASTICK!

MASTICK Office & School

Nowadays, persons who work inside buildings have to cover their faces when they attend to clients, petitioners or customers. The education sector is waiting for detailed guidelines. Both clerks and educational staff foresee the approaching hot months and doing their job in rooms which aren’t always air-conditioned. Moreover, each of us wants the mask we wear on a daily basis to be comfortable, and, above all, to enable us to breathe freely. In case of students, the reason for choosing a particular model could be the ease of putting the mask on. If, additionally, a disposable mask makes it possible for them to stand out, could there be a better argument for ensuring safety with the aid of it? The MASTICK masks are exactly like that.

jednorazowe maseczki ochronne

Other advantages of self-adhesive disposable masks:

  • lack of straps or elastic bands put around the ears
  • topical, safe and stable adhesion only at the height of the cheek bones (including the chin)
  • possibility to unstick the MASTICK temporarily (e.g. for the duration of a meal) and put in on again without any damage to adhesive durability
  • possibility to breathe freely
  • good adhesion to the nose, chin and mouth
  • prevent glasses from fogging up
  • remarkable lightness and impalpability while wearing
  • skin-friendly, attested adhesive and fabric
  • leave make-up untouched, keep it from smudging and distortion.

A teacher wearing a visor. Why not?

The MASTICK masks won’t only meet the expectations of office workers. We have already written about how well they were taken by active sportspeople. They also turn out to be a creative idea for the cosmetics and hairdressing industries.

The masks are produced in Poland, they are not, and they do not replace personal protection equipment.

Depending on the character of work, protective visors, also produced by Etisoft, constitute another option. They are extremely light and comfortable in use (link). The masks will prove useful, for example, during school activities or work of clerks who have a direct contact with petitioners, that is everywhere where good communication, and clear and undistorted message are essential.

Interested? Call us, e-mail us:; +48 (32) 332-80-64.

We are working Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CET.



Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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