Start Company news We have given away around one thousand protective visors to health facilities and more
We have given away around one thousand protective visors to health facilities and more

We have given away around one thousand protective visors to health facilities and more


It’s worth helping!

It’s been a few months since we began to manufacture self-adhesive masks and protective visors. Firstly, they were given to Etisoft’s employees and health facilities combating coronavirus. The personnel of laboratories, blood donation and haemotherapy centres, and firemen received them as well.

We’re so glad that they have been so well received. We have received much praise and many recommendations from you that we would like to share. We’re also proud of the fact that we created a product that met your needs so perfectly and provides you with safer work.

The summary of our charity action looks impressive:

  • 200 visors were donated to City Hospital no. 4 in Gliwice
  • 100 pcs. to Dr Józef Rostek Regional Hospital in Racibórz
  • 60 pcs., through the agency of Etisoft Warszawa, to the hospital at Szaserów Street in Warsaw and 50 pcs. to the hospital in Grodzisk Mazowiecki
  • Etisoft Kraków has donated 70 visors to the Regional Centres of Blood Donation and Haemotherapy, which it closely cooperates with
  • Etisoft Czech Republic: 60 visors to the hospital in Bohumín, 30 pcs. to Orlová Hospital, and 60 pcs. to Ostrava Clinic, 20 pcs. to the Rescue service of the Moravian-Silesian Region in Ostrava
  • Marcin Kosicki from our branch in Poznań decided to support uniformed services by donating 40 visors to professional firemen in Świebodzin, and 20 of them to the Volunteer Fire Department in Mostki. The latter organizes a fantastic action by delivering food, gloves and masks to the senior citizens who live in the area.
  • Orsi Bajusz from Etisoft Hungary – 100 visors to the local hospital in Budaörs.

Our protective visors have also been donated to:

  • the Silesian Centre for Rheumatology, Rehabilitation and Disability Prevention in Ustroń.
  • the hospital that belongs to Vito-Med at Radiowa Street in Gliwice
  • the Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia.

Also, our colleague Dawid Janecki, who, within the framework of his fishing passion realizes himself in Etisoft Fishing Team, became involved in the action. He combines passion with charity activity. “Taking into consideration the current epidemiological situation we needed to help those who risk their health and life to help all of us!” Dawid emphasizes.
Thanks to the cooperation between EC Logistic and Etisoft, Dawid’s sponsors, our colleague has donated visors manufactured by us to hospitals, medical rescue, blood donation centres, and educational staff.

And this is the feedback from the employees of the facilities which were the recipients. We’re presenting selected opinions:

Anna Gil, the president of Vit-Med. Sp. z o.o.; Gliwice

przyłbice ochronne etisoftSelf-adhesive protective masks and visors were tested by the personnel of physiotherapists during work with patients of the neurological rehabilitation ward hospitalised in Vito-Med Sp. z o.o. hospital.

The self-adhesive protective mask is easy to put on, doesn’t cause any pressure or scrapes behind the ears, and, above all, doesn’t slip off the nose and mouth. This significantly reduces an impulse to touch and correct the mask, which, in turn, reduces the risk of spreading the infection. We didn’t notice skin intolerance to the adhesive used. The removal of the mask also didn’t cause any discomfort even in case of men with facial hair. The masks were used for a few hours and they perfectly adhered to the face. Self-adhesive protective masks are a perfect alternative for medical personnel.

The visors are made of a very good material. Neither do they cause any pressure onto the head nor scrape the forehead, and visibility is very good which is crucial while performing medical activities by medical personnel.

Employees of the emergency centre in Pyskowice

On behalf of the users of Etisoft’s protective visors in the Regional Ambulance Centre in Katowice, Station in Pyskowice, I would like to thank for such great equipment.
The visors are very light and flexible, which facilitates daily work to a large extent. You practically don’t feel them when you’re wearing them on the forehead. The shaped protective foil constitutes a perfect barrier for all sorts of excretions. Its transparency is on an excellent level, which doesn’t hinder visibility in any way.
An additional advantage of the visor is a possibility to lift the facial part, which also increases the advantages of using it. The material the visor is made of is resistant to widely available disinfectants.
We would like to highly recommend the usage of Etisoft’s visors.

przyłbice ochronne etisoft

The Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia

Such gestures are a boost of energy and enthusiasm to work hard in the laboratory. Each day our employees engage in the combat against coronavirus with great sacrifice. All out of concern over the inhabitants of our region.

Such opinions provide us with a boost of energy to action and assistance. We’re the ones who thank you!

If you are interested our visors mask and self-adhesive protective masks please contact:, +48 (32) 332-80-64.

Download the CE certificate here. 


Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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