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How RFID solutions and automatic identification support industry

How RFID solutions and automatic identification support industry


Modern warehouse cannot be done without RFID solutions


As we have already mentioned, the logistics fair in Stuttgart was dominated by solutions aimed at the most comprehensive automation of processes. We were mainly interested in automatic identification devices and RFID solutions. What attracted our attention was the fact that an increasing number of suppliers no longer offer only individual products. Regardless of whether they are RFID tags or devices to read them, they offer whole complex solutions.


After visiting this year’s LogiMat  we do not only associate “S” with Stuttgart. Also with English words: security, savings, systems, standarisation, sensors, scanning, storage, software. Also with many other words related to security, order, system solutions. Almost 62 thousand visitors to the event are mainly professionals. They come both in search of specific solutions and looking for new ideas that could be implemented in their companies.


 RFID solutions for industry


We also visited Stuttgart for a similar purpose: to get to know the novelties, look for inspiration and meet with our current and potential suppliers. Unfortunately, we succeeded. Unfortunately, because meetings, presentations and protracted discussions lasted a very long time. With the exception of two halls dedicated to RFID and automatic identification, we could not see almost anything more (every day we walked a dozen or so kilometres at the fair itself).


What are the trends in the RFID solutions industry?


Among the suppliers of RFID tags and RFID labels there are, of course, new products dedicated to e.g. luggage tagging at airports, tires or returnable packaging. More and more advanced solutions can be found nowadays. Sensors of temperature, humidity, shocks are increasingly becoming the object of interest of customers from food companies, as well as, for example, the so-called automotive. It turns out that seemingly different industries have very similar needs. Identification of goods and verification of their proper treatment, both at the stage of production and in transport, or in warehouses, is crucial for maintaining high quality products.


RFID equipment


Trends in the RFID equipment market seem to follow the same path as smartphones, tablets or other devices on the consumer market. In the smaller and smaller housings there are not only tag readers, but also integrated antennas. All this is complemented by a number of communication interfaces with an emphasis on today’s omnipresent wireless communication. Solutions facilitating interaction with the user are also significant here. Starting from colourful visual signaling devices to built-in touch screens.  The smallest of the devices are handheld readers with built-in readers for both standard codes and RFID tags.


Solutions that simplify processes and eliminate mistakes


It is impossible not to mention the software. It is sometimes available as part of a larger set of products offered by manufacturers (see NFC tagging platforms to help fighting against counterfeiting). It is also available as a completely independent offer using products from the RFID shelf. Each of the solutions watched by us was aimed at:

  • simplification of processes
  • elimination of (mostly human) mistakes
  • saving time
  • increasing safety, whether of processes or users


Having the opportunity to visit many different fairs it seems that LogiMat is one of the most interesting events. It allows not only to meet the latest technologies, but also to find ideas for improving processes in the company.

Modern industry cannot avoid using RFID solutions. Identification of goods, verification at the stage of production, in transport or in warehouses is essential.


Dariusz J. Kawecki Product manager responsible for Auto ID solutions. He deals mainly with label printers, code scanners, collectors and terminals and RFID solutions. In his free time he bikes and as a Etisoft Bike Team member takes part in races through mud and bumps. By biking he also likes to discover Silesia history.
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