Start About the industry Logistics, purchase, inventories at the Hungarian congress – comprehensive for each of the fields
Logistics, purchase, inventories at the Hungarian congress – comprehensive for each of the fields

Logistics, purchase, inventories at the Hungarian congress – comprehensive for each of the fields


Matching, original solutions

The strong Polish-Hungarian representation of Etisoft was among the exhibitors of the Congress of the Hungarian Society of Logistics, Purchasing and Stocks in Siófok, Hungary. Our business and logistic solutions for optimization and improvement of warehouse and production processes met with great interest of specialists. They appreciated our original solutions – let’s add that we were one of the three exhibitors presenting the possibilities of AGV vehicles.

Our offer in comparison to other exhibitors was also outstanding for its complexity. Visitors appreciated the fact that Etisoft is not only about labels, but also about vision systems, solutions for tracking production and identification of materials or equipment.

– For the first time we participated in the annual congress conference. The visitors represented mainly purchasing, production and logistics departments, which are our target groups. All the visits and discussions gave us a great opportunity to learn about the requirements and expectations, and we were able to provide customized solutions from labels to Industry 4.0. We gathered a lot of information that will allow us to design and develop the best solutions for our business partners – emphasizes Orsolya Bajusz, Managing Director of Etisoft Hungary.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the visitors, appreciate their inquisitiveness and readiness to cooperate in the development of Industry 4.0 solutions.

PS. We also think that our stand was one of the most attractive. It was nice to hear that from you as well.



Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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