Start Michał Wąs

Michał Wąs

Michał Wąs
Has been for many years actively engaged in implementation of auto ID systems. As a member of Product Development Department is now responsible for label print & apply systems. Michał graduated from Electrical department of Silesian Technical University in Gliwice. Enjoys sport and good books, interested in new technologies.

Label-Aire 3138NV, automatic label applicator – how does it work?

Michał Wąs 0
Printing and application device for wide range of applications at an affordable price Recommending a particular model of a printing and application device is related to great responsibility and may influence future business relationships.  Therefore, on the basis of many conducted implementations and after-sales experiences, Etisoft frequently suggests the label applicator Label-Aire 3138NV for marking […]

Label applicators for use in harsh ambient conditions

Michał Wąs 0
Applicators for special tasks Automatic label application in production or logistics areas may come across a problem of the existing harsh ambient conditions. These are, among other things, high dustiness and air humidity, including also the possibility of splashing the device that applies labels with water or another liquid. An ordinary label applicator isn’t adjusted […]

Economical label applicators for simple applications

Michał Wąs 0
Precision and repeatability of labelling – how can it be done? Automation of product labelling system which consists in replacing a person who performs this activity with a label applicator is a quick procedure in most cases. It proves to be useful, among other things, in the food industry where the production line is frequently […]

WRAPTEC – device for marking hoses, cables, tubes and other long products round in shape

Michał Wąs 0
Labelling round objects Label application on cylindrical objects of various diameters but little length with the use of semi-automatic or fully automatic method can be conducted in a few ways. The idea of the solution is rotation of a labelled product and linear feeding of a label with its simultaneous pressing onto the product surface. […]

ASE Single Tag – marking of boxes and tags

Michał Wąs 0
The marking of tags and unfolded cardboard boxes or paper and cardboard cards that are the packaging of small consumer products can be done with the help of...

Automatic application of anti-theft tags – a solution in the cosmetics industry

Michał Wąs 0
Manufacturers of high-value consumer products intended for sale to the general public are often obliged (by the retailer) to include security features already at the manufacturing stage.

Print&Apply- how to solve the most common problems [infographics]

Michał Wąs 0
    If you encounter a problem with automatic label applicators, please contact our experts. Author of the graphic design: Joanna Rawlik-Krupa (205)

Logistic label applicator for marking of pallets and other collective packaging

Michał Wąs 0
Marking pallets and other collective packaging with a logistic labels (printed on a desktop thermal transfer printer or laser printer) and then manually applying them can be easily automated, eliminating operator involvement in the process.

Meeting of Label-Aire distributors – Imola 2019

Michał Wąs 0
On April 9th of this year, a meeting of European distributors of the manufacturer of devices and systems for automatic marking of products of the American company Label-Aire took place.

3 methods to improve the process of product identification on production lines

Michał Wąs 0
Automatic label application systems allow for fuller use of the processing capacity of technological lines and lower costs of the production process
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