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Self-adhesive, disposable protective masks for sportspeople

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Run, be active and breathe freely You love sport but any activity in coronavirus time with a traditional mask on the face discourages you from doing it? We’re not surprised at all! The latest Etisoft product, self-adhesive protective masks MASTICK, was designed to support daily antivirus prevention, and, at the same time, not to limit […]

Protective mask – prevention not only during pandemic 

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
New product in the offer. Different from other disposable masks that you know because it’s a self-adhesive one! In coronavirus time a disposable protective mask has become a basic necessity. Many countries, including Poland, introduced the obligation to wear them in public places. Such type of protective equipment in pandemic time is also an expression […]

The protective visor – the latest product in the offer of Etisoft

Joanna Heler-Kończakowska
Polycarbonate cover for coronavirus pandemic, against contamination and aerosols The coronavirus epidemic forces entrepreneurs to make many new decisions, also these ones which are regarded as more restrictive antivirus prevention. Within the framework of offer extension our company launched the production of protective visors. They are now a part of our regular sales offer. Nowadays, […]
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