Etisoft Running Team – after one year of activity our group of runners is preparing to get Half Marathon Crown
No pain, no gain!
Adam Jeżewski, co-founder of Etisoft Running Team, talks about our employees passion for running.
The youngest child in the Etisoft sports family, the Etisoft Running Team, celebrates its first year of operation in May this year! During this time, our runners starting with the Etisoft logo reached the finish line of the marathon, half-marathons, and also shorter distances. We are happy to support our people with passion for fighting for next life records!
Etisoft Running Team began its opening run on May 13, 2017 by participating in Jerzy Kukuczka Running Festival in Katowice. A nine-member team struggled over a distance of 5 and 10 km, while two others ran in Gliwice in the 2nd Run of the Saint. Goar. Most people immediately caught a runnign bug and without waiting for the next competition they began to systematically train and start in the next events. Our players represented Etisoft in the 1st Night Half Marathon in Piekary Śląskie, Wieliczka Half Marathon or in the International Street Run for the Cup of the Mayor of Knurów. PKO Silesia Marathon competition was a very important event. On the 1st of October, Dariusz Kawecki our product manager and RFID label specialist fulfilled his dream- he ran the royal distance 42.195 km! Whereas Teresa Brzozowska and Anna Olbińska from the Quality Control Department beat the half marathon distance.
All three had an incredible pleasure to finish at the impressive Silesian Stadium. In turn, on 22nd of October we struggled not only with kilometers, but also with the weather. The Half Marathon in Gliwice greeted us with rain. Despite this, at the start there were as many as 12 Etisoft Running Team members! We beated half marathon distances, 10 km run in Gliwice and nordic walking. We started then in terrible awful conditions, however, this did not prevent ERT members from reaching their first personal bests. At the end of the year we put red hats on and went to Katowice for Santa Clause Run. The slight frost took its toll only before the run. We competed on distances of 5 and 10 km and 5 km of Nordic walking.
Motivation and integration – what is important to us
Year 2017 showed us that we can integrate, run and enjoy movement inspite of the frost or rain. Each of us felt that the year 2018 will be special. Of course, we moved sharply because on January the 1st we appeared in the Silesian Park in Chorzów to complete the Cyborg Run. It was a wonderful run and mutual motivation made everyone run 14 km. Karolina Kotowska from the Invoicing Department, wielding Nordic walking poles, as usual showed the class and started the New Year with a half marathon distance. Hot tea and grilled sausage after the run-in short, we started the New Year perfectly and actively!
Additionally, we decided to improve organizational matters. Our meetings immediately brought positive results. We created a calendar of sport events for 2018. The support of the board and the comprehensive assistance of colleagues from various departments made it much easier for us to overcome next kilometers.
Finish line at the Silesian Stadium was our dream
ERT is gaining pace, motivating and integrating together and overcoming more and more kilometers.
The 26th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity showed what we can do. We ran in two groups : one in Gliwice and the other in Katowice. In total, we ran 104 km. In our dreams there was still finish line at the Silesian Stadium. Our wish came true as we had the opportunity to participate in the Spring Race, which took place on March 11. Nearly 3,500 contestants took part in it, among them a good team from Etisoft. During that day it was a warm weather and we could feel coming spring.
The Half Marathon in Gdynia was the first important run in 2018. That’s where we made the first step to winning the Half Marathon Crown. This is the aim of several ERT members for this year. In Gdynia Teresa Brzozowska beat her own record and ran the route in 1 hour, 47 minutes, 23 seconds. In the Warsaw Half Marathon we also showed up in new T-shirts. It must be admitted that a cohesive team came to Warsaw, in which there were as many as three novices. Celina Twarowska from the Production Department, Małgorzata Skupień and Karolina Czereba from the Quality Department for the first time in their lives ran the distance of the half marathon and did it in the best place. Dawid Adamski beat his previous record and beat the route in 1 hour, 44 minutes and 36 seconds.
The Half Marathon Crown is ahead of us
The Warsaw Half Marathon gave us everything it could offer: personal bests, fatigue, pain, big effort, joy and tears after crossing the finish line. We also took part in race called” Perła Papracan” in Tychy. We regularly start in the monthly run “Gliwicka Parkowa Prowokacja Biegowa ” and in the “Panewnicki Bieg Dzika” in Katowice. Wings for Life World Run is before us and it’s scheduled on the 6th of May in Poznań. This is the only global run in which the finish line is a car that chases the players.This event takes place in 12 locations around the world and starts at the same time. 30 minutes after the players start the race, the car starts to chase them and this year Adam Małysz will be the driver. We can’t wait for this event.
In September, we will visit the 9th Running Festival in Krynica Zdrój. We will have the opportunity to feel the spirit of mountain running there. We haven’t decided yet which distance we will choose. Regardless of whether it will be 600 meters in ties, night run, 10 km run or marathon – it will definitely be another amazing experience!