Start Company news We recruit in a friendly way in Etisoft [interview]
We recruit in a friendly way in Etisoft [interview]

We recruit in a friendly way in Etisoft [interview]


We recruit in a friendly way in Etisoft – we are talking to Agnieszka Aleksowicz from HR department

Friendly recruitment – this more and more common trend in Europe is becoming to exist also in Polish companies. It is promoted by the Friendly Recruitment Coalition, which member Etisoft has recently become.

What does this mean for job applicants in our company?

As a socially responsible company we recognize, among others, the need to care for the positive experience of the candidates during recruitment process. We are aware that a job interview is one of the most stressful moments in your life. The aim of the coalition itself is to promote good practice during recruitment and to set standards in this area, taking into account the relationship with the candidates and their impressions of the recruitment process. By joining the Coalition we have committed ourselves to adhering to the Code of Good Practice in Recruitment. So people applying to Etisoft have full clarity as to what our process looks like and what they can expect.

Many people looking for employment end up with a status: I have filed the papers and they haven’t even spoken to me. Meanwhile, one of the Coalition’s “commandments” is to inform, communicate and stay in touch! How does it look in practice?

Each job seeker in Etisoft has full and up-to-date knowledge of the status of his or her application. Everyone gets feedback too. Communication with candidates is the basis – also in case their CV is rejected. We are open to contacts with candidates. Such a person has the opportunity to send us her or his inquiries, while having full clarity who is his partner on the other side of the recruitment process. In such an important time for a job seeker, one cannot be kept in the dark and uncertainty. We treat our candidates as our important clients. We are honest, professional and committed to relationships. That is why it is sometimes the case that we are offering a candidate a job in another department if we know that he or she has the skills and qualifications needed for another position. It is worth emphasizing that a person wishing to become a part of Etisoft is treated as an opportunity for our company, not a petitioner.

Friendly recruitment is also a friendly and readable way of communicating information about emerging offers to interested parties. How does it look in our company?

These would be standard actions, primarily based on the Internet, and for internal recruitment – through information boards. It is important to emphasize that our job advertisements are always clear and consistent with the actual situation. During the interview we clarify possible doubts of the candidate and deepen information on the scope of duties and working conditions.

Friendly Recruitment Coalition appreciates companies investing in good HR practices. Etisoft has something to boast about …

Recently our Human Resources Department has been honored in an international competition for the best case study of Lean Management implementation in service companies and in the administrative departments of manufacturing companies. We are constantly analyzing interesting solutions and good HR practices. All interested in working with us, we encourage to visit our website and to track company profiles in social media. During job interview you can count to be treated with a good coffee.

Thank you for your time.


Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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