Among the best suppliers of Samsung
We do not only supply labels to an international electronics manufacturer. The latest solution is a vision system
We are pleased to announce that Etisoft has once again strengthened its position as a professional business partner. The notes received from Samsung Electronics Poland Manufacturing for 2018 again put us among the best. Received 91 points out of 100 possible gives reasons to be proud. In many aspects Etisoft received scores clearly above the average generated by all rated companies delivering to Samsung. Thank you for your trust and we are looking forward to the development of cooperation!
The auditors appreciated Etisoft in the following categories:
- technology: number of implemented solutions, guarantee of high expert knowledge
- quality: repeatability of production batches, quantity of complaints, marking of products according to customer requirements, quality management
- immediate response to reported needs
- respect for environmental standards, care for employees’ rights, safety at work
- financial stability of the company and the level of investment.
The “Supplier of the Year” title obliges
As we hear from auditors, it is pleasing when you observe a Polish company, which is developing dynamically, successfully competing with the world’s best suppliers. Etisoft is a company which is not afraid of challenges and which cooperates comprehensively.
– Thanks to such audits we learn not only about what we are good at. We also receive valuable information on what aspects we can still develop, what to correct, and what we should even improve – adds Marcin Kosicki, manager of the Etisoft branch in Poznań. – Thanks to such an attitude and commitment, constant development and taking up the challenges we face, almost ten years of cooperation with Samsung has evolved from a supplier of simple solutions – mainly labels – to an integrator moving within the Industrial 4.0“.
Labels and process automation
One of
We also have experience in consulting and implementation in the areas of process automation, including, among others, label application devices used directly on the customer’s production lines.