Start About the industry Secure Pack – protection from unwanted interference
Secure Pack – protection from unwanted interference

Secure Pack – protection from unwanted interference


Secure Pack – for electronic, telecommunication and other industries

This time we would like to share with you some information about Secure Pack – the range of Citizen Genuine Consumables dedicated for security applications.

Perfect Printer 4…

Citizen has a wide range of printers suitable for printing security labels. We highly recommend our 300 dpi models like CL-S631, CL-E730 or CL-S703. Small desktop printer is the right choice for applications where you have limited space available on your desk (electronic devices services, maintenance services). CL-S730 is the right choice when you print a lot of labels (production plants, printing houses)


secure pack

Do you know that…

Void labels you can find in Secure Pack are made from PET material which is tear resistant. Therefor they can be used as a warranty seals on the junction of two surfaces without risk that label will broke accidentally VOID pattern appears on the applied label if you try to remove it. It happens thanks to special adhesive layer applied selectively on PET base material
You can choose VOID labels from range of the most commonly used sizes. You can have them in white or silver colour.
You can also find PE destructible material in Secure Pack range. These labels protects the product in different way. When you try to remove them from the applied surface you break  label into small pieces. Bonding forces of the adhesive are higher than tearing resistance of base material so it is impossible to remove such label in one piece.
Resin ribbon gives you the superb printing quality and high print resistant to UV exposure, moisture, high temperature. It is also highly smudge and scratch resistant.

Best practices

Security labels are used in many different applications. You can find them on electronic devices (computers, audio devices, electronic components, RAM modules). You can also close with such label the box during transportation. Police or security agencies use VOID labels to close the doors and protect areas from unauthorized visitors. Chemical companies use such seal labels to protect chemical bottles from unauthorized opening. Mobile phone operators protect prepayment cards from usage before they are sold to the customer. Machinery produces protect the most important components from unauthorized repairs during warranty period.


Aleksander Wolny Tied with Etisoft for the last 25 years, currently as a Product Development Dept. manager. Specialist and innovator in new solutions for product marking. Participated in numerous trainings led by our suppliers on consumables and Auto ID equipment. Graduated from Mechanical and Energy Engineering department on Silesian Technical University. Plays a guitar, enjoys rock music and handball.
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