Adam’s American dream
…Can you feel it?
He would instantly name a few places in the Grand Canyon worth seeing, even though he plans to get there no sooner than just in a few months. He talks about Big Sur extreme route with all its magnificent views as if he traveled it every day on his way to work. Adam Jeżewski, our man with passion, has been in USA three times already. It has always been a thoroughly planned journey, where maps and guidebooks were to make him see as much as possible in shortest time and lowest budget. Adam plans his itinerary at least half a year in advance, browsing internet in search for cheap flights. As he claims it is not that difficult to find a round trip around 2k PLN.
What is crucial is to have a base somewhere in the country, since average place to stay costs around 100 bucks including a room with single bed and possible bugs.
– Luckily, I have a friend living close to Miami. So I rent a car and welcome America! I visit places I want and I do not pre-define how long I would be staying there. I taste it, experience its wealth and beauty and try to capture it as well – says Adam.
The list of places Adam has already visited is getting longer and longer. Not only Miami, also Key West, New York, Florida, 300-buck-trip to Bahamas… Only Las Vegas turned out to be a huge disappointment. As he says, this city never sleeps, it’s dirty and resembles mock film scenery.
– I am endlessly impressed by American mentality though. They are very honest, open and ready to tell you all about their life just within 5 first minutes of knowing you. And their boundless activity, readiness to help – this kind of “open mind” that I adore – claims Adam, who already plans his next trip during this holidays.
The Grand Canyon consists of around 2,5 k km of roads in the middle of nowhere, altogether with National Park and Indian Reserve. His next steps will lead him to San Francisco and Los Angeles. We are invited by Adam to see incredible photos taken during such trips.