Start Company news April filled with training sessions
April filled with training sessions

April filled with training sessions


Automatic identification, print&apply, workshops with partners and finally… drawing!

Training after training, trips and meetings with our business partners. There was a lot going on in our company last month. In Etisoft we invest in knowledge and employees. Even better knowledge of the offered products, an opportunity for business talks on matters that we live professionally every day… In addition: even better customer service and workshops that initiated us into the backstage of visual thinking, and at the same time provided a lot of positive emotions. So – we are up and running!


A quick overview of the meetings we participated in April:

  • Our colleagues from the Service and Product Development Departments at Printronix in the Netherlands deepened their knowledge of programming, RFID tags and 2D code verifier support. We know how important automatic identification is to improve processes in enterprises, and our company has a history of proprietary solutions in this area.


  • What’s up in the world of automatic applications? Colleagues from the Product Development and Service Departments were trained in Italy, where Label-Aire has its headquarters recently. It is a pioneer and the largest supplier of print&apply devices in the American market. We participated in the meeting of distributors, during which we discussed, among others, the introduction and availability of complete systems for marking products on the European market.


  • It is believed that one picture is worth more than 1000 words… The participants of the Academy of Internal Trainer carried out by our company found out about it. They spontaneously called these classes the learning of drawing, and the point is that our brain should skillfully use visual thinking. It was a science of sketchnotting, which means taking notes with the use of handwriting and simple drawing. We also learned to flipchart, that is to put informations in legible way on flipchart sheets. So we know how to make our drawings dynamic, how to express emotions with them, and how to pass our thoughts and words through balloons, clouds, headlines and appropriate colours.


  • On the other hand, our colleagues from the Customer Service Office were trained in communication and assertiveness in dealing with customers. So they know how to recognize the emotions of customers and respond to them properly. They are simply ready for difficult situations, although of course it would be best to have as few of them as possible!


This training was guided by Mahatma Gandhi’s words “The customer is the most important guest in our company”. We confirm!


Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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