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Auditor – how an application supports 5S

Auditor – how an application supports 5S


Bartłomiej Dengusiak, Operational Director at Etisoft, one of the speakers at the Lean Conference


“Let the LEAN be with you”! There was lean and the power – over thirty “fanatics” of lean philosophy met in Gliwice. They passionately talked about how they implement lean in the enterprises they represent. We are proud to announce that one of the speakers was Bartłomiej Dengusiak, Operational Director at Etisoft.


Bartek talked about the 5S system – this topic always evokes strong emotions and provokes discussion. First of all, Bartek’s speech provided valuable information to the participants of the meeting.

During the conference I had the opportunity to discuss issues related to the implementation of 5S in enterprises. I also presented our Auditor tool. It supports the maintenance of the 5S methodology in the organization on the workstations. It is an application that helps you quickly check the correctness of 5S on a given position. It also allows you to plan corrective actions. I discussed the application of the Auditor on the example of the implementation in Etisof and Orion, that is our daughter company – says Bartek.


Small steps to the perfection

Bartek’s presentation was very well received and was rated as highly substantive. Participants enthusiastically commented on the whole idea of audits independent of the management and about the method of assigning each area in the company to the owner, who is responsible for maintaining 5S permanently in this area.
Oskar Jarnot, Business Process Improvement Coordinator from a large logistics company specifies what he liked in this presentation: – I realized how important is the ability to interpret data from audits in relation to, for example, the maturity of the team. 5S must be entered with one step at the time. You have to give people time, knowing that this is a change in behavior that lasts. However, it brings tangible benefits in the form of maintaining the standard with which the user identifies, because he creates them himself!


The meeting was attended by “leaners” representing companies from various industries. They presented various lean news, including the issue of exoskeletons used on production lines.
We are happy that Etisoft could be a partner of this event.


Photo Thanks to the Apa Group


Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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