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Etisoft produces labels for coronavirus tests!

Etisoft produces labels for coronavirus tests!


Permanent marking and great mobilization when life and health matters

Coronavirus, tests for COVID-19 and next diagnosed cases. For doctors, the most important issue now is a quick diagnosis and the answer to the most important question: is a coughing patient with a fever a carrier of the virus or not? It is very likely that doctors will use the test kit produced by TIB Molbiol from Berlin to make a diagnosis. This biotechnology company provides tests to laboratories in 60 countries. Labels for coronavirus tests are produced in Gliwice by Etisoft.

Labels for the tests: in four hours from Gliwice to Berlin

The cooperation of our Etisoft Germany branch with the Berlin company lasts for over 10 years. Olfert Landt from TIB-Molbiol and his team are usually the first to carry out virus tests. This was the case in 2003 when the SARS pandemic broke out, the avian flu (H5N1) in 2006, the swine flu (H1N1) and the MERS coronavirus of 2012.

When the first information on the new coronavirus appeared, TIB Molbiol was already on standby. Soon it turned out that also on our side all hands must be on board. The cooperation between the German company and the Etisoft took on a very intense pace with a strong awareness of responsibility for the importance of coordinated, quick action, cooperation and… empathy for saving human life and health.

At the first information about COVID-19, TIM Molbiol placed an order with us for several thousand labels for coronavirus tests. In a short time, the disease started to spread and orders for test sets suddenly exploded! The test manufacturer could always count on us, but this time we were under a lot of pressure due to the seriousness of the issue. Only recently, the first of the orders came from the production, TIB Molbiol was already placing another ones in increased quantities – says Mariusz Wróblewski from Etisoft Germany. – Together we decided that the situation requires special measures. So we resigned from standard shipping of labels by courier. At the last moment we managed to find the crucial package on the back of the courier’s truck. A taxi with the necessary labels for the test application arrived in Berlin in four hours from Gliwice.

etykiety kruszące na testy na koronawirusa

Our recommendation: labels that crumble when trying to tear them off

For the permanent labeling of Wuhan virus tests we recommended to the customer labels that crumble when attempted to manipulate and rip. This guarantees security and limits unauthorised tampering with the sample.

The key for the manufacturer was the fact that no substances are emitted from the labels during centrifugation and exposure to high pressure. They could create bubbles and damage the label surface to the extent that the print would become illegible.

TIB Molbiol uses our proprietary etiLABEL software to print the labels.

etykiety kruszące na testy na koronawirusa

TIB Molbiol puts us in the “top five” group

Since January this year, a German company has sent several million test sets to many countries around the world. The tests with labels produced by Eisoft are recommended by the Robert Koch Institute, the German Federal Office for Infectious Diseases.

The customer appreciated not only the very short time in which we produced the labels due to the seriousness of the situation, but also the flexibility with which we approached the technological changes.

– Etisoft is one of our best and most efficient partners. We count you among the top five suppliers,” emphasizes Constanze Landt from TIB Molbiol.

We are proud to contribute our little bit to the work of specialists working to stop the pandemic.




Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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