Start Company news Our marking system for laboratories awarded in the competition for the best offer on EuroLab!
Our marking system for laboratories awarded in the competition for the best offer on EuroLab!

Our marking system for laboratories awarded in the competition for the best offer on EuroLab!


Lab technicians appreciate etiCALLS


etiCALLS – Etisoft’s marking system for research material and apparatus in laboratories has been appreciated by laboratory technicians and scientific communities. Behind us the first two of this year’s trade fairs with etiCALLS in the main role. Interesting conversations about the system, which includes resistant labels for medical, pharmaceutical and forensic laboratories; specific inquiries from customers, as well as the distinction of EuroLab Fair.

Innovative and future-proof laboratory support

During the 20th International Trade Fair of Analytical Measurement and Control Technologies, we have received one of the two awards in the competition for the best offer of this event in the category “Cleanroom laboratory equipment”.



etiCalls-award Cleanroom laboratory equipment


I am glad that etiCALLS is appreciated not only by the lab technician themselves, but also by scientific communities. etiCALLS tested in the clean room has been highly evaluated through the prism of such benefits as verification and control of processes in laboratories and compliance with non-marking requirements. It was distinguished as an innovative product and developing in the right direction. Our company was also praised for the ability to quickly respond to the needs of customers – says Anna Czarny-Miśkiewicz, sales development manager. – A nice touch of the fair was an invitation to a meeting organized by the Polish Science Academy, for of its members. etiCALLS and the system’s capabilities have made a great impression on scientists.

Market debut: labels for blood bags

In April, we have promoted, together with Etisoft Germany, the etiCALLS at the Analytica trade fair in Munich. For the first time during the fair event in Germany, we have presented the following system version – labels dedicated for blood bags, solvent-resistant labels as well as new label formats. The visitors were also very pleased with the modernized labels for cryogenic applications that are even more effective in laboratory conditions. We are pleased to inform you that not only the German laboratory industry, but also Austrian, Italian, Belgian, Lithuanian, Hungarian and Israeli industries are very interested in introducing the etiCALLS into their markets.
Moreover, the etiCLIPS made its debut at Analytica, another of Etisoft’s proprietary solution. The ability to independently design and print even small amounts of labels, but in full color, turns out to be what customers need.


Next events starring etiCALLS

The etiCALLS system, which facilitates the laboratory technicians’ work, will be promoted on 17 and 18 May at the 10th Spring Pharmaceutical Conference – Optimization and Efficiency in Gniew. On the 24th and 25th of May, on the National Scientific and Training Conference of the Polish Laboratory Diagnostics Society in Szklarska Poręba.

We invite you to visit our stands and the website dedicated to the etiCALLS system:




Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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