Quality matters
Responsibility on each stage of the process
Modern attitude towards organization management emphasizes the role of quality department as the one focused on process learning control. Considering customer satisfaction and our organizational culture, each Etisoft employee taking part in realization/production of a product, holds responsibility for quality on every stage of the process. It starts with the first contact with the customer, then design and production, ended with delivering the product to the client. Quality department supervises operations on all stages of the order realization.
Quality department guarantees that a ready product /finished goods fulfills all customer’s demands. It doesn’t mean the product must be of a top quality. It means it has to be of the same quality the customer expects.
It can be achieved by verifying certain parameters in the whole production process, i.e. starting from suppliers and raw materials supervision and ending with ready product/finished goods analysis, claims monitoring and considering customer’s remarks.
Quality riddle
Who is responsible for quality?
It is a story about 4 persons named:
- Everyone
- Someone
- Anyone
- No-one
Quality is an important task to do.
Everyone was sure that Someone will do it.
Anyone could do it, but No-one did.
Someone got angry, as it was a job for Everyone.
Everyone thought that Anyone could do it, but No-one thought, that Everyone did it.
It ended that Everyone blamed Someone, that No – one did things that Anyone could.
So who is responsible for the quality?
Everyone, Someone, Anyone, No-one????
A well operating quality department may also bring financial savings by implementing activities that lead to limitation of non-compliant products coming from production.
By combining our experience with long-term relations with our customers Etisoft managed to work out certain work standards. This consequently lead our employees to specialize in cooperation with automotive, electronic, chemical, construction, FMCG and other industries.
Clear division into various industries means:
- better understanding of customers’ demands,
- better clarity on clients’ internal standards and procedures (i.e. parts approval process, implementation documentation, claims handling rules, etc.),
- wide knowledge on what non-compliance the customer may accept (faults irrelevant to the customer).
According to accepted claim handling „Etisoft is obliged to consider the claim within 14 working days since the Quality Department receives claimed consumables”. Nevertheless, depending on clients’ expectations reaction time to claims is different – from 24 hours to even 30 days. We currently use 8D method as most appropriate for claim handling. It is a main problem solving tool in automotive industry, but due to its universality, we may use it for many other industries as well. The basic idea behind 8D is correct identification of problem causes and undertaking such actions to prevent them from happening/occurrence and eliminate in the future.
Regardless deadlines imposed by our customers, the most important thing is that once the non-compliance has happened, we must strive to secure client’s needs and protect his production process from the consequences of such non-compliance.
According to our company’s policy and requirements of implemented quality system, also our department continuously undertakes and implements improvement activities. We currently run project on improving control system for quality control department. By implementing it, we will cooperate much better with LN management system and other already used applications and systems. It will moreover make easier for quality controllers to report control results, as well as gather and analyse data, giving a clear picture of quality indicators.