Start Company news Sometimes I had it uphill [interview]
Sometimes I had it uphill [interview]

Sometimes I had it uphill [interview]


An interview with Dariusz Kawecki, product manager, co-founder of Etisoft Bike Team, member of Etisoft Running Team, marathon runner


Year 2017 was not once called by you a “strange” one. It seemed that your ambitious sport plans were hanging by a thread. As a real sportsman and our man with passion, it was not enough that you have reached the finish line, you have showed that even when something is falling, when you really want something, you can achieve it. A real man with passion.

– The word “sportsman” is probably a bit of exaggeration 🙂 . Just in my free time (which I have not too much) I move a little bit. And even though I’m 40 plus, I’m in the “forever young” category. Indeed, the past year was quite hard for me, but it was also surprising. All the more I would like to thank all those who motivated me to act. Let’s start with the fact that a year ago in January I have accepted the challenge to prepare for the first marathon within 9 months. Let’s add that I’ve never liked running, I think it’s boring. But word said and I have started training. Unfortunately, after just three weeks of training, my back problems had put me into bed for a month. The following month was marked by the injury treatment and business trips, so I have started preparations to the royal distance of 42,195 km with a considerable delay and certainly not with the intensity I have originally planned. In the meantime, we managed to organize a fantastic cycling integration trip to Zakopane, which at least compensated the lack of cycling. Longer distances, including the first half-marathon, I had ran in July.

– You had it uphill then. What motivated you during the preparations and during the marathon itself?

– First of all, my family’s cheering, as well as my friends and acquaintances (including, of course, neighbors from the Marketing Department, whose laughter and jokes can improve every day’s mood ). I was happy that the information about the challenge was made public, both on the blog and on my Facebook profile. Nothing mobilizes more like comments: “Fallen? – Rise up!” and the need to regularly confess your successes and failures. The marathon itself . At the beginning there is an euphoria and the conviction that you will succeed. First crisis caught me in the middle of the run. I was wondering whether to drop it all! Supporters along the running route certainly helped me to break down this crisis, for which I thank you very much. Also the visualization of the finish line at the Silesian Stadium – full of people. This object is impressive, and the possibility of running into it. Well, it’s an amazing experience.


People with passion

– You ended your last year’s adventures in a truly cinematic style, although it mostly concerned bikes. Thanks to the votes of Internet users you have won all-year coaching support under the supervision of a professional trainer. As I understand, the calendar of events is already full, and you will also encourage our sport-crazy employees to participate in some of them. So what have you planned?

– I have won this training support mainly thanks to the votes and Internet activity of friends and acquaintances (including many from work), for which I would like to thank again. This year I would like to take part in two marathons: in Krakow and again in Katowice, and as part of training I intend to compete, among others, in a few half-marathons. Perhaps, by a chance, I will be able to win the Half-marathon Crown? This does not mean that I am neglecting bikes in favour of running. I plan to participate in the Duathlon ChampionMan event, on a long distance, i.e. 10 km run, 60 km bike and again 10 km run, as well as start in the cycling ultra-marathon “Ring of Thousand Lakes” on the route of 610 km. The time limit to cover the route is 40 hours. The purpose of the ultra- marathon – as the organizers state – is “to check the limits of physical and mental endurance of the participants”.

I would also like to go back to orienteering marathons, for which I cordially invite you. These are events for everyone, for runners and cyclists. For the novice and an experienced athlete. Fantastic climate and reset after a hard week of work, which can be testified by several of our colleagues who have already been persuaded to this type of entertainment. And so, I have many plans for this new year. It seems to me that too much. I just hope that life will not kick my backside once again, and my plans will not amuse you know who.

– Thank you for the interview and I wish you all the best on behalf of all of us!


Joanna Heler-Kończakowska Worked as a journalist for "Dziennik Zachodni", graduated from Political Science at the Silesian University. In Etisoft works in the Marketing department and is responsible for communication. She believes Napoleon was right claiming: "I am more afraid of three newspapers than of three thousand bayonets." Word lover and a passionate tracker of verbal absurdities. While shopping she spends her time by reading…labels. Skiing during winter, she chooses nordic walking poles in the summertime.
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